Hello and welcome to my blog.
I am a writer from New Zealand.
While blogging is not new to me, Tiny, Ordinary Days is my new place to write.
This is what I am:
a student studying towards my Bachelor of Social Sciences.
I am a married mother to 4 children (2 have flown the nest, 2 not far away)
I am a medical receptionist for a small GP clinic, which is the job I have
to keep my kids fed, clothed and educated.
I am an author.
I am a woman of faith, and as you will read I have had some interesting experiences with God.
I am INFJ (Myers Briggs) and social justice is what drives me.
I am a wanna-be watercolour artist
I am a dog-person.
This is what I am not:
a coffee lover
an extrovert
a cat person
Someone who likes to run
Good at housecleaning
This is what I hope to be:
A writer of more writings
I want to get my PhD in Forensic Psychology with expertise in abnormal psychology
and research the underbelly of crime in the power elite.
I want to be physically fit and healthy as I go through middle life (working on it)!
I want to look forward to retirement in my hometown where I can grow flowers, paint, and write books.
I love to meet new friends so email me:
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